Katong Retro fair

Bialetti Moka Pot milk coffee - Katong Square retro fair October

If you've scanned the QR code and landed on this page, chances are you like the liquid you're drinking! (Or really hate it). Here's the recipe for how we made it.

We used Sarnie's single origin Colombian Huila Timana Excelso. We have no affiliation with Sarnies - I stumbled upon them as a consumer myself. I used the classic Bialetti moka pot (3 cups version) to make this milk coffee. If you're interested in other brewing methods, you might want to check out our V60 Brew Guide.

  1. 16g coffee beans, ground with the '10' setting on a Baratza encore or an '8' setting on a Timemore Chestnut C3. You can check out more of our coffee grinders as well as the grinding process.
  2. Add boiling water till it fills just below the screw on the base of the moka pot. Use a cloth to handle the moka pot because it will be really hot at this point
  3. Place the moka pot on the stovetop and wait for it to spew coffee
  4. You should get about 100g of coffee output
  5. This is a ratio of about 1 : 6.25 coffee to water. If you're new to coffee brewing, you might find our Comprehensive Guide to Coffee Brewing useful.
  6. Add equal parts milk to the coffee (1 : 1 ratio coffee to milk). I used farmhouse fresh milk

Tasting notes will be chocolate nuttiness, hint of orange. I love these beans because it brightens up the drink with a hint of acidity, and I chose this ratio for the harmony of coffee and milk.

If you're looking to expand your coffee brewing equipment, you might want to check out our recommendations for the Best Coffee Starter Set. For espresso lovers, we also have a guide on how to Enjoy an Espresso with Cafelat Robot 101 and a comprehensive guide on All You Need to Know About Espresso. For those who are interested in the science behind coffee brewing, you might find our posts on Coffee Filter Papers and Tamping Coffee enlightening.

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