Here we talk about the black liquid that give us great joy. We review various brewing equipment, figure out how to improve ourselves as brewers and most importantly, have fun!


Piccolo By Hei Kim

Specialty Coffee and Coffee Roasters in Singapore

Specialty Coffee in Singapore This post is meant to document our attempt in getting a bearing on the specialty coffee scene in Singapore - on the state of local roasting...

Specialty Coffee and Coffee Roasters in Singapore

Specialty Coffee in Singapore This post is meant to document our attempt in getting a bearing on the specialty coffee scene in Singapore - on the state of local roasting...

45 min

Tamping Coffee: Does It Really Make a Difference?

What is Coffee Tamping? In the world of coffee-making, tamping is not a stranger term. Described as the act of compressing grounds into a puck during extraction, this method is...

Tamping Coffee: Does It Really Make a Difference?

What is Coffee Tamping? In the world of coffee-making, tamping is not a stranger term. Described as the act of compressing grounds into a puck during extraction, this method is...

43 min

A Guide to Coffee Brewing: From Coffee Beans, R...

For every coffee enthusiast out there, we know that coffee is an essential part of our daily routines. Not only does it help us to gain the energy we need,...

A Guide to Coffee Brewing: From Coffee Beans, R...

For every coffee enthusiast out there, we know that coffee is an essential part of our daily routines. Not only does it help us to gain the energy we need,...

Sttoke Leakproof Cup in Unicorn Purple

The Sttoke Leakproof Cup - Unicorn Purple is back with new Sttoke Sttrap colours! If you are a Sttoke fan, you'd probably remember the Unicorn purple 8oz cups which were...

Sttoke Leakproof Cup in Unicorn Purple

The Sttoke Leakproof Cup - Unicorn Purple is back with new Sttoke Sttrap colours! If you are a Sttoke fan, you'd probably remember the Unicorn purple 8oz cups which were...

Cafelat Robot Singapore

Pulling an espresso shot with the Cafelat Robot...

Manual espresso machines have a certain charm. You get a no frills, no nonsense piece of equipment capable of producing delicious espresso shots, together with a well-built machine with a...

Pulling an espresso shot with the Cafelat Robot...

Manual espresso machines have a certain charm. You get a no frills, no nonsense piece of equipment capable of producing delicious espresso shots, together with a well-built machine with a...

KRUVE Evoke Aeropress 4

Best coffee starter set

To me, the best starter sets (generally, not just for coffee) should allow the user to get good, above average results without having very high skill level. The rationale for...

Best coffee starter set

To me, the best starter sets (generally, not just for coffee) should allow the user to get good, above average results without having very high skill level. The rationale for...